Drone flew into Gatwick airspace after control was lost

A drone flew into Gatwick airspace after the operator lost control and a safety kill switch failed an investigation has found.

It was being used in a demonstration at Goodwood Aerodrome in July 2019 but entered the controlled airspace before its battery ran out and it crashed in a field.

The report into the incident said the audience at Goodwood had to “take cover” in a building after the 95kg drone went out of control, and when the aircraft finally crashed, residents nearby went to investigate and called police after they realised its size.

The AAIB (Air Accidents Investigation Branch) said the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) had assessed the operator’s application and, after amending some details, had allowed the demonstration flight, but did not inspect the drone before doing so.

After the report was published, Crispin Orr, chief inspector of air accidents, said: “There were no injuries caused by this accident but the potential for a more serious outcome was clear.”

A CAA spokesman said: “We have already made significant changes to our requirements and oversight following the incident.”

Gatwick Airport said the airspace the drone entered was the responsibility of air traffic controller NATS, which has not yet commented.

A spokeswoman for Goodwood Aerodrome said the flight had been controlled by a third party, overseen by the CAA, adding: “We are satisfied that the action taken by Goodwood air traffic control was robust and appropriate.”

Sussex Police said the force undertook a thorough investigation which did not identify any suspects.

In December 2019 an unrelated drone sighting caused the airport to close its runway causing travel delays.

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