Borough council to give full support over tree felling investigation

Reigate and Banstead borough council has started an investigation with the  Forestry Commision over the felling of trees Near Meadowcroft House.

“We had no prior notification of anything like this going on and if we had we would have made sure it couldn’t happen.  It was done over the weekend when our officers who work normal hours were not available and we were completely shocked.   I went to visit Monday morning with deputy leader Tony Schofield and we were visibly upset both of us by what we saw and my first aim was to make sure what was left was protected.”, said Horley Councillor and Planning Policy Portfolio Holder, Councillor Richard Biggs.

If the commission’s rules that there has been unnecessary felling then they can levy an unlimited fine and order the replanting of the area which would protect it for many years.

Councillor Richard Biggs, said after visiting the site: “The Forestry Commission was quite clear it’s an area that would have required a full licence and didn’t come under the areas that could be exempt.  The borough council will be giving its full support to the Forestry Commission in whatever action they decide to take against the perpetrators.”

Cllr Richard Biggs spoke with Susy Radio`s, Neil Munday: