First Afghan families arrive in Surrey Heath

Surrey Heath council agreed to take part in the Afghan Locally Employed Staff (LES) Relocation Scheme last month, via an urgent action which was subsequently taken to the SHBC Executive meeting on 20 July 2021.

The UK government scheme protects the human rights of Afghan Locally Employed Staff who have supported the British Forces deployed in Afghanistan. They now risk persecution and death as British Forces withdraw from the country.

As part of the scheme, five Afghan families will be relocated to Surrey Heath. Two families have arrived, the next families will arrive shortly.

Working with Accent Housing, temporary accommodation has been organised for the families.

People who are relocated under the scheme are supported for a set period by a local authority, to help with settling into their new homes and lives. This includes advice and assistance covering employment, welfare benefits, housing, health, and education.

After completing five years of limited leave, they can apply for permanent residence in the UK, free of charge, ensuring that they can settle here permanently and continue to build their lives and future here.

Surrey Heath Portfolio Holder for Support and Safeguarding, Cllr Shaun Garrett, said:
“Locally Employed Staff have been supporting the British Forces in Afghanistan in a variety of roles since 2013. They have served our country well, often working in challenging and dangerous conditions for both them and their families. Our area has a proud military heritage, and we are pleased to be able to offer support to these families who have played an important part in assisting our troops.

We’d like to thank local individuals and organisations, including the Besom and Home from Home, for their generous donations of items to furnish the families’ accommodation and help get their new lives in the UK off to a positive start.”

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