Surrey PCSO pleads guilty to assault.

A serving Police Community Support Officer pleaded guilty to assault by beating when she appeared at Staines Magistrates’ Court on Thursday (28 March).

PCSO Danielle Carter, 39, was off duty at the time of the incident, which took place in Redhill on 1 May 2023.

The court heard how police received a call just after midnight from a taxi driver reporting a concern for Carter’s safety after he drove her to an address in Grantwood Close.

The driver also alleged that Carter had assaulted him and damaged the inside of his taxi.

Carter was arrested and subsequently charged with assault by beating and criminal damage.

She was ordered to pay a £1,050 fine following her guilty plea for the assault. The court decided not to pursue a separate conviction for the criminal damage.

Head of Surrey Police’s Professional Standards Department, Superintendent Andy Rundle, said: “Criminal offences committed by our officers and staff simply cannot be condoned. Allegations against any of our officers or staff are always subject to a thorough investigation by our Professional Standards Department to ensure that those who do not meet the high standards expected of them to maintain public trust and confidence are dealt with swiftly and robustly.

“Now that the court case has concluded, we will be taking disciplinary action against Carter which will determine whether she has breached the policing standards of professional behaviour.”

Supt Rundle added: “We recognise the impact this case will have both on the Surrey public and our own officers and staff, particularly with the current focus on standards. Thankfully, the majority of our officers and staff come to work each day to protect the public and do so with honesty and integrity.”