Remember your pets and stay safe this November

Public displays may have been cancelled this year, but Surrey Police expect there may still be private fireworks displays at home.

They are asking residents to follow safety advice and act sensibly as bonfire and fireworks night approaches. Remember, ‘HANDS. FACE. SPACE’. Full guidelines for England effective from 5th November can be viewed at the government website.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, adopting alternative celebrations and sticking to the guidelines in place can go a huge way to ensuring everyone remains safe.

Unfortunately our pets and other wildlife don’t enjoy the bright lights and loud noises as much as we do, and so Surrey Police recommend the following guidelines to keep your pets calm during firework season:

Dogs and Cats

  • Close windows and curtains and put on music or the television to muffle the sound of fireworks. Create hiding places or ‘dens’ around your home where your pet can feel safe and comfortable.
  • Praise your pet for calm behaviour, and don’t try to force them out of hiding places. You could also try to desensitise them at home by playing firework noises at a low level, rewarding them for calm behaviour, and building gradually up to normal noise level.
  • Walk dogs during daylight hours to avoid times when fireworks are likely to be set off, and make sure your pets are microchipped, so if they get spooked and escape outside they can be traced back to you.
  • Horses

  • If you think households close to where your horses (or livestock) are stabled might be setting off fireworks privately, consider contacting them to make them aware that animals will be in the field, and ask that the fireworks are set off later in the evening, as far away from your land as possible.
  • Keep your horse in a familiar routine and environment to help them feel secure. If your horse is usually stabled then keep them stabled. If they are normally out in the field, keep them there as long as it is safe, secure and not near the fireworks display area.
  • Advice for pet owners during the fireworks season Infographic ¿ RSPCA

    Advice for pet owners during fireworks season ¿ An infographic created by the RSPCA

    More information and guidance can be found from the RSPCA website and from where you can download a document on how to keep your pets safe.
