£100m for Surrey residents to ‘Think Big’

Surrey residents are being encouraged to ‘Think Big’ about how their local area can be improved.

A £100m fund has been launched to give financial backing to projects submitted by residents and community groups which will provide a local benefit.

Ideas will be put online where people can comment, make further suggestions or just give it a thumbs up.

Projects that meet the criteria and prove that they will deliver a positive benefit for local people will be taken through an application process and the first funding will be administered in Spring 2021.

Councillor Mark Nuti, the Deputy Cabinet Member leading the Fund, said:
“We want to really empower residents. This is about you every person who lives in Surrey – we want you to tell us what you need, what you want, what you’ve dreamed of that will make life and living in your area better.

“COVID has brought communities together and we want to build and expand on the good will and commitment we’ve seen to establish a legacy that we can all be proud of.

“Whether it’s new community sports pitches, rejuvenating the high street, expanding charity premises, a new community centre, or a new urban beach or playground, we want to hear people’s ideas and aspirations for their place, the weird and the wonderful and the bigger the better.”

Full details and the interactive map can be found at www.surreycc.gov.uk/yourfund

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